Hello and Welcome

“History does not repeat itself but it rhymes.” -Mark Twain

Great motivational speaker.

We need a new system to replace ours. Gar Alperovitz, a historian, and economist speaks to how to build on existing systems.

Hello and welcome to this site. This site was started in April 2017 and is a work in process. I created a website many years ago and while some of the content is timeless, I decided to revamp and modernize the site. This also involves learning new web programs so it will take some time to complete given work, community and family obligations.  I have also had the assistance of Jennifer from brunospace.com who’s eye for detail and design is fabulous.



This site is devoted to my students (past and current) and friends that I’ve come to respect and care deeply for. It is my wish that you find it useful in stimulating social discussion and deciphering our world. 

There is a bias, as you will see as you cruise this site, and I make no apology for it. My experiences have led me to a progressive perspective as I have witnessed over 30 years of neo-liberalism in which the few have benefited and the middle classes have shrunk. In the era of the Trump presidency, I find it imperative that we resist against the hate that is spewed as it sets back human progress. We owe it to the students we teach, our families and friends to resist the forces of regression. Stay healthy, be informed, find love and peace and share it.

In peace, sam filice

Some ideas to ponder and/or debate

Howard Zinn’s Philosophy

John Ralston Saul: The Collapse of Globalism


Greatest Speech Ever Made: Charlie Chaplin

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